new/updated (.vix) nails!

howdy! it’s been a while, huh? in fact, it’s been since valentine’s day since i made some new stuff if you can believe it. but i’ve got a *ton* of new things to share, so let’s just jump right in!

eight new nail packs are available — six are updated older releases && two are brand spankin’ new! and all of them can be found on my marketplace store!

the two newest sets…

french glitter is a set that matches the previous (and newly updated!) french mani/pedi set.. except this time, there’s glittery tips, oooh~!

and the fruit basket set is something i’ve wanted to do for ages now! something fun ‘n’ summery, with lots of color and glitter too! apples, oranges, watermelon, strawberries.. all the fresh, delicious fruits you can handle~

as for these older sets, all of them have been updated with maitreya && omega compatibility, as well as still having slink appliers as well, with *new* textures!

a staple nail style is up next.. lovely, simple french manicures and pedicures.. which, as i said above, match the new french glitter set!

one of my most popular sets (that is a collab between me and my good girlfriend vivienne who is featured in the ad!) is mr. panda. cute pastel tips with adorable hand drawn panda face nail art!

to go along with mr. panda, is a set called spring pastels! these are the same color palette as mr. panda, just without the panda face. awesome for slink hand users to create accent nails with!

next up.. the nails i definitely wear the most, personally, are the updated blackened tips set. i always grab for these, they are by far my number one when it comes to something easy && something cute on my fingers ‘n’ toes (and, it features my girl pumms gorgeous face in the ad!).

and lastly, two sets that go hand in hand (har har). both the pastel creams && the pastel tips sets are in the same color palettes, and are great for mixin’ and matchin’. one is a solid nail color (pastel creams) and the other is tipped with a complimentary cream color (pastel tips)~

if you’re curious, come check ’em out! ♥♥

new vix nails!

/me dusts off the cobwebs

hellooooooooo everybody!

since my new blog with my girls, current outfit, has taken over most of my bloggin’ time instead of here.. i’ve decided to convert *this* li’l slice of the interwebs into an update blog for my store, .vix!

and since you’re seein’ this, that means there’s new stuff to be had!

new (.vix) nails!

there’s *three* NEW nail sets out, as well as an updated older set — and all four include slink, maitreya & omega appliers! the older set, bright solids has been updated with new textures as well, which is awesomely exciting (to me at least, shh).

if you’d like to check ’em out, then you can find them on my marketplace store.

love never felt so good

howdy ya’ll!

so i’ve been around, on sl. doin’ stuff, hangin’ out, y’know the drill. i just haven’t really felt much like blogging. i’m not dead, i swear it.. just kind of fell out of love with the whole bloggity thing.

..well, until now.

you see, somethin’ rather important happened the other day && i felt like a blog post commemorating it seemed appropriate~


allarik and i got married!

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happy easter!

i’ve not had much luck with finding time to blog lately, but i made a point to have time today to celebrate a li’l with my two favorite girls inworld…

happy easter <3

and of course, a picture happened. ’cause that’s just how we roll!

i hope everyone that celebrates has a wonderful easter. ♥ eat lots of peeps ‘n’ chocolate bunnies and enjoy the springtime weather… because finally, in my neck of the rl woods, it’s starting to feel like it!

for now though, it’s time to go hunting eggs. i wonder where that silly bunny hid them this year…..

them bones

inspiration hits at the strangest times. for me, i had this picture idea in my head at.. oh… about 4am or so, last night. right before i decided it was finally time to go to bed, *this* exact image popped into my head.

them bones

i can’t really explain it, but i like how it turned out.

i believe them bones are me…


so i have this idea….

it’s an idea that has been festering around in this brain o’ mine for a little while. a kind of a big idea, or maybe i should say… an ambitious idea. something i’m not even 100% sure i can handle or pull off.


but i’m still sitting && stewing on it, nonetheless.

these kinds of ideas don’t pop into my head very often, i’m usually a pretty realistic kinda person. i know my limits, i know what i’m capable of, and while i like pushing myself in different directions… i also won’t take on things i know i simply *cannot* do.

then there are times like this where i start to think idk, maybe i *can* and it throws me for a loop. i start envisioning things, putting thought towards what it would all take, and while it can feel exhausting.. it’s in a good way. if that makes sense.

i have this sort of project in mind, an *exhausting* one, and while i’m not sure if it’ll ever see the light of day.. i’m still thinking about it. have been thinking about it for a few weeks now. and i feel like every single time i sit down to my computer, it’s on my mind. i might try it out (and heaven help me if i do), but even if i don’t… i think i could do it, if i tried hard enough. i’d definitely need help, lots && lots of help, but the attempt alone could be fun.. just gotta get it all out of the *brainstorming* stage, first. and that in and of itself is a hurdle!

what the kerfluffle?

with the current round of the arcade winding down to its last few days… i’ve been trying my hand at grabbing those last few things that we so *desperately* need. plugging machines, trading commons, snooping out rares, you know the drill.

however, after teleporting home after my last attempt, i swear at playing the machines, i came to realize something.

i think we may have an infestation of sheeps in our home.

so many sheep

it must have happened gradually… a kerfluffle sheep from half deer here, another kerfluffle sheep there, setting up a scene with them (like with the candy bar, those sheeps must have one hell of a sweet tooth!), looking for an empty spot that needed *something* cute…. aaaaand suddenly, our house is completely overrun with adorable li’l sheeps!!

so many sheep pt2

not that i’m complaining. because how can one *really* complain about so much cuteness? i’m just afraid i’ll log in one day and they’ll all be shuffled around, as if they’d moved on their own…

and then i’ll be afraid for my life.

dance, dance

it’s been a while since i took part in the lovely strawberry singh‘s monday memes, but when i saw *this* particular challenge… oh i was soooo all over it!

the premise is dancing in second life && since making dance videos is a thing i quite enjoy (and have done quite a few over the years!), i figured i pretty much was obligated to take part.

so here’s my li’l contribution to the pool — a retro-flavored dance video with my girls vivi and pumms, set to a quirky song that is, admittedly, a bit of an inside joke between the three of us~

i’ve been wanting an excuse to do a video to this song… this was a great opportunity to rope my besties into it with me, too!

now, onto the rest of the meme…

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if you’ve followed this blog for a little while, you may remember that april as a whole is a.. hard time of the year, for me. and as march edges close to the end (and can we just talk about how *fast* march has gone by? my god!), i’m feeling.. emotional? i suppose. not anxious or even apprehensive, but just very attuned to my emotions. granted, they’re not the most fantastical emotions, but i’m very much feeling them and i’m letting myself feel them.

so i took a pic. because that’s what i do. i’m not the most talented content creator out there && i’m *absolutely* not an artist in any sense of the word, but what i feel i can let the creative juices flow all over is takin’ snapshots inworld. so i took one, full of symbols and meaning and yadda yadda. i don’t think anyone else will understand the symbolism the way i do and i’m okay with that (but if you’re really curious, you’re welcome to ask ♥). it just felt good to put these feelings into something i can say i’m proud of. having an outlet like that.. even if it’s as simple as putting something together that has no meaning for anyone else other than me… is a good way to deal with it all, i think.


I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o’er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed–and gazed–but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.

~William Wordsworth

taste my rainbow

suggestive title is suggestive. 😉

but there’s a good reason for it!

taste my rainbow

and when i say “good”, i really mean.. naked. there is a naked reason for it.

you know, when i first started blogging in sl.. in fact, my very first fashion blog post was a rather racy outfit that included a short skirt, a see-through top && nipple pasties… but yes, when i first started blogging, i was more… free shall we say with the looks i did. and then the longer i blogged, well.. i didn’t become *conservative*, but the posts on my old fashion blog that included, say, my bare nipples are few ‘n’ far between.

lately, though? i dunno, i’m feeling more comfortable in my own skin — and yes, that means both sl && rl. i feel like i’m more apt to take a snap in the buff these days. i mean, not counting the pictures on my own flickr stream where i’m nakie, but i’m on other flickr streams in the nude. …hell, it’s more than once, even.

it’s liberating, i have to say. and i can still tell myself that it’s tasteful because i’m not doin’ anything pornographic, i’m just naked. naked in new rainbow hair ‘n’ heels and feeling fantastic, thank you very much.

who knew that new colors from one of my favorite hair designers would inspire a *nude* photo? suppose that says a lot about how my mind works!